Feministen Café (2023)
Poster design for an event by The European Greens / EFA

“Slaan we elkaar zonder rechtsstaat de hersenen in?” (2024)
Illustration for VPRO Magazine, filosofisch kwintet met Arnon Grünberg

Personal work (2023)

Stop Het Geweld (2024)
Graphic design for a Gaza manifestation organized by PAX, Amnesty, Oxam Novib and others

Alice & Olive (2024)
Oil on canvas

Bits of Freedom 25 jaar (2024)
Branding and graphic design for Bits of Freedom’s 25th birthday

HIER Collectief (2023)
Illustration and graphic design

Personal work (2024)
Digital illustration

Bits of Freedom (2023/2024)
Ongoing brand explorations and graphic design for web and social media

“Tea Time” (2022)
Featured in De Grote Kunstkalender 2022

Podcast “Moslima” (2023)
Cover design for a podcast by VPRO / Prospektor

“Als de regen niet meer stopt” (2022)
Illustration for a short story by Fiep van Bodegom, published in OneWorld Magazine

“Slow I Grow” (2023)
Digital illustration

Europese AI Wet (2024)
Illustration and graphic design for the European Green Party

Personal work (2022)
Digital illustration / Chalk

“(On)vrede en nu?” (2023)
Poster design for an event by PAX for Peace

Kies voor een ander klimaat (2023)
Poster design for a climate coalition composed of Pax for Peace, Milieudefensie, Greenpeace, DeGoedeZaak, Stichting Vluchteling and others

“Look Up” (2023)
Illustration for Oorzaken Festival